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Sunday, July 25, 2010



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Angiogram showing a transverse projection of the vertebrobasilar and posterior cerebralcirculation.
Angiography or arteriographyis a medical imaging technique used to visualize the inside, orlumen, of blood vessels and organs of the body, with particular interest in the arteries,veins and the heart chambers. This is traditionally done by injecting a radio-opaquecontrast agent into the blood vessel and imaging using X-raybased techniques such asfluoroscopy. The word itself comes from the Greek wordsangeion, "vessel", and graphein, "to write or record". The film or image of the blood vessels is called an angiograph, or more commonly, an angiogram.
Although the term angiography is strictly defined as based on projectional radiography, the term has been applied to newer vascular imaging techniques such as CT angiography and MR angiography.




The technique was first developed in 1927 by the Portuguese physician and neurologist Egas Moniz to provide contrasted x-ray cerebral angiography in order to diagnose several kinds of nervous diseases, such as tumors, coronary heart disease and arteriovenous malformations. He is usually recognized as one of the pioneers in this field. Moniz performed the first cerebral angiogram in Lisbon in 1927, and Reynaldo Cid dos Santos performed the first aortogram in the same city in 1929. With the introduction of the Seldinger technique in 1953, the procedure became markedly safer as no sharp tools introductory devices needed to remain inside the vascular lumen.


Depending on the type of angiogram, access to the blood vessels is gained most commonly through the femoral artery, to look at the left side of the heart and the arterial system or the jugular or femoral vein, to look at the right side of the heart and the venous system. Using a system of guide wires and catheters, a type of contrast agent (which shows up by absorbing the x-rays), is added to the blood to make it visible on the x-ray images.
The X-ray images taken may either be still images, displayed on a image intensifier or film, or motion images. For all structures except the heart, the images are usually taken using a technique called digital subtraction angiography (DSA). Images in this case are usually taken at 2 - 3 frames per second, which allows the radiologist to evaluate the flow of the blood through a vessel or vessels. This technique "subtracts" the bones and other organs so only the vessels filled with contrast agent can be seen. The heart images are taken at 15-30 frames per second, not using a subtraction technique. Because DSA requires the patient to remain motionless, it cannot be used on the heart. Both these techniques enable the radiologist or cardiologist to see stenosis(blockages or narrowings) inside the vessel which may be inhibiting the flow of blood and causing pain.

[edit]Color (DSA)

Color (DSA) - provides a dynamic flow evaluation, greater understanding of the contrast flow within the pathology. Assists the clinician in planning of surgical procedures, and clearly demonstrate post-procedural results.


3D Angiography - provides the radiologist with a 3D view of vascular structures. 3D view - helps determine spatial layout vascular structures and simplifies planning of surgical procedures.


[edit]Coronary Angiography

One of most common angiograms performed is to visualize the blood in thecoronary arteries. A long, thin, flexible tube called a catheter is used to administer the x-ray contrast agent at the desired area to be visualized. The catheter is threaded into an artery in the forearm, and the tip is advanced through the arterial system into the major coronary artery. X-ray images of the transient radiocontrast distribution within the blood flowing within the coronary arteries allows visualization of the size of the artery openings. Presence or absence of atherosclerosis or atheroma within the walls of the arteries cannot be clearly determined. See coronary catheterization for more detail..


[Microangiography] is commonly used to visualize tiny blood vessels.

[edit]Neuro-vascular angiography

Another increasingly common angiographic procedure is neuro-vascular digital subtraction angiography in order to visualise the arterial and venous supply to the brain. Intervention work such as coil-embolisation of aneurysms and AVMgluing can also be performed

[edit]Peripheral Angiography

Angiography is also commonly performed to identify vessel narrowing in patients with leg claudication or cramps, caused by reduced blood flow down the legs and to the feet; in patients with renal stenosis (which commonly causes high blood pressure) and can be used in the head to find and repair stroke. These are all done routinely through the femoral artery, but can also be performed through the brachial or axillary (arm) artery. Any stenoses found may be treated by the use of angioplasty.


Other angiographic uses include the diagnosis of retinal vascular disorders, such as diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration.


[edit]Coronary Angiography

Coronary angiographys are common and major complications are rare. These include Cardiac arrhythmiaskidney damage, blood clots (which can cause heart attack or stroke), hypotension and pericardial effusion. Minor complications can include bleeding or bruising at the site where the contrast is injected, blood vessel damage on the route to the heart from the catheter (rare) and allergic reaction to the contrast.[1]

[edit]Cerebral Angiography

Major complications in Cerebral Angiography are also rare but include stroke, anallergic reaction to the anaesthetic other medication or the contrast medium, blockage or damage to one of the access veins in the leg, or thrombosis andembolism formation. Bleeding or bruising at the site where the contrast is injected are minor complications, delayed bleeding can also occur but is rare.[1]

[edit]See also

[edit]External links


  1. a b "Angiography - Complications"Health A-Z. NHS Choices. 2009-06-01. Retrieved 2010-03-24.

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